Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Peaceable Kingdom Retreat for Children offers more than a piece of their heart

                Peaceable Kingdom Retreat for Children has a mission to offer a place where children with chronic illness or special needs, and their families, can celebrate the health-giving benefits of nature. With help from United Way of Central Texas, it is possible for this agency to serve lives within the Bell County community who are facing these challenges. PKRC offers hope and peace to families by giving them the opportunity to be in a non-hospital setting while still learning the necessary coping skills to better cope with treatment. Partnering with families, schools and medical groups, the loving agency is uniquely able to meet the cognitive, physical and emotional needs of children living with serious medical conditions such as:

                Autism                    Diabetes         Cancer                   Blindness           Deafness
                Missing Limbs     Amputation      Cystic Fibrosis     Cerebral Palsy   Asthma               
                Displaced Youth  Arthrogryposis Mixed Diagnosis  Neurological Disorders

   The Peaceable Kingdom Retreat for Children offers several programs to help enrich the lives of the families they are serving. The Weekend Retreat Program operates September through May to allow hospitals and support groups to visit the retreat where children, their siblings, parents and medical providers enjoy respite and recreation. Activities are organized for children with special needs and their families, which are fun and safe. Approximately 500 children and adults are served through the Retreat Program annually.

During the warmer months, the Summer Camp Program is a great opportunity for patients to participate in activities geared towards social development and enhancing physical achievement. This option encourages children with chronic illness to participate in one of twelve week-long, diagnosis-specific camps by arrangement with their hospital or professional organization. Each summer, over 500 children participate in this program.

The most unique activity that the agency offers is the Physical Therapy Program. The natural resources and recreational spirit of the retreat center is used to enhance rehabilitation exercises through a non-clinical therapeutic environment. It engages a child with disabilities to meet emotional, social and vocational challenges, as well as leverage the intended benefits of physical therapy. This program is fairly new and still building, last year, over 50 patients participated. 

The United Way of Central Texas is a proud partner for the Peaceable Kingdom Retreat for Children. Without donations from the local community, we would not be able to keep agencies like PKRC up and running. For more information about United Way of Central Texas agencies or to make an online donation, visit If you would like to give a cash or check gift, send to P.O. Box 1312, Temple, TX, 76503. You may also text “UWCT” 85944 to make a $5 pledge.

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